08 May 2011

Reflections on a Day for Mom

     When you reach my age and there are too many important people in your life who are no longer here, days like Mother's Day become bittersweet.
     My parents were not the types to overtly express feelings; life was a series of unspoken affectiona that were demonstrated by just doing things or buying things for the person for whom love was felt. As a result, Mother's Day was never about hugs and saying, "I love you, Mom." It was being there and having a gift, regardless of how useless or unneeded it was. "It's the thought that counts," was coined for my mother.
    Nevertheless, now that she's gone, days like today cause me to miss the hugs and "I love yous" that should have been standard fare. I only pray that I have done a better job expressing to my family the love I feel for them.